Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Las Vegas Lights FC Kit - Part 1 - Will we have Pink Jerseys?

We may not know much about how the Lights will play this year. We may not know how well attended their games will be.

But one thing that I can tell you - their PR campaigns have been pretty good so far.

Today, all over social media, the team posted teasers that there was going to be a big announcement today at the Plaza Hotel downtown. They wouldn't say what it was. At the hotel, the Lights called up a few of their players to the stage.

Fairly normal soccer team stuff, with one little twist. The players were wearing (apparently nothing except) Plaza Hotel bathrobes.

It was a little weird. Potentially a little concerning, depending on your comfort level with that sort of thing. Then, at the big reveal, the players all took off their bathrobes (disrobed, one might say) to reveal:


Instead of revealing the whole uniform - jersey, shorts, and everything - all at once the club decided to reveal just the shorts. So there were the players, standing there shirtless in front of the crowd.

A bit weird - maybe. But definitely not boring, and that's the name of the game when you're trying to drum up interest.

As for the shorts themselves:

They're black, so there's that, I guess. Black isn't a crazy interesting color.

What is interesting about them is a) the sponsor logo, and b) the piping.

The sponsor logo is fine, I suppose. I didn't know that USL allowed sponsor logos on shorts. I guess I don't have a problem with the idea, provided that the jersey doesn't go crazy with the sponsorships, putting them on every square inch of real estate like some other leagues do (looking at you, scandinavia):

The problem with the execution here is that the sponsor's logo is HUGE. Like twice as big as the club crest. Which, I get it, you need the sponsorship money - but if it's going to be twice as big as the club crest, don't put it right above the club crest to emphasize the fact that it is twice as big.

The second thing is the pink piping. That is a very interesting little development for one particular reason - how often is the piping on the shorts different from the color of the shirt? It's pretty rare. There are a few examples:

Most of the time, the piping on shorts is the same color as the main (or at least, one of the primary) colors on the jersey.

Dortmund - piping is same color as jersey:

Arsenal - Piping is same color as jersey:

Middlesboro - piping is a primary color:

Atlanta away - piping is the same color

You're getting the picture? There are a few instances where the piping is not the same color as the main jersey color - but those are pretty limited. And in most of those cases, it is still a pretty prominent color - like:

Atlanta home:

And New England home:

Long story short, I think that neon pink is going to be a prominent color for the Las Vegas Lights FC jerseys. Which wouldn't be too surprising, given the promo material. But, I think there is also a good chance that either home or away jersey this year will have pink as its full-on, main color. THAT would put us in some pretty rarefied territory.

The only teams I can think of that have done that (apart from breast cancer awareness season where every team does it), have been Juventus in Italy:

And Scotland:

It would definitely be different, if that's the direction that the club went. Personally, I think I'd surprised if the club had pink home jerseys. I think they'll probably go yellow, with pick trim (like the gold on the Atlanta jersey above). But I would not be shocked if they rolled out a pick away shirt for this season.

I guess we'll find out later this evening. Should be fun.

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